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23.12.2021 7.30

News in English: Lapua rents more room for nurseries

The children in Lapua need more daycare units.

The children in Lapua need more daycare units.

Alek­si Hau­ta­mä­ki, a stu­dent at La­pua up­per se­con­da­ry school, has trans­la­ted news for our Eng­lish-spe­a­king re­a­ders.

Child­ren in qu­eue for nur­se­ry– the town rents more room

La­pua has to rent more space, be­cau­se there is cur­rent­ly a qu­eue of 28 child­ren for ear­ly child­hood care.

The town bo­ard has de­ci­ded to rent two apart­ment comp­le­xes that re­si­de at Mä­ki­rin­teen­tie 1-3 from La­pu­an Ko­ti­a­sun­not Oy, a town-ow­ned cor­po­ra­te. Ear­ly child­hood care al­re­a­dy has two group fa­mi­ly da­y­ca­res on Mä­ki­rin­teen­tie and now two more small da­y­ca­re groups are being es­tab­lis­hed at the same ter­ra­ced hou­ses.

Jäät­teen­mä­ki al­so run­ning for re­gi­o­nal elect

The Cent­re Par­ty’s list fil­ls up for Ja­nu­a­ry’s re­gi­o­nal elec­ti­on. From La­pua the town bo­ard’s chair­wo­man An­ne­li Jäät­teen­mä­ki is al­so run­ning. The re­gi­o­nal elec­ti­on vo­ting day is 23.1. There will be 59 pe­op­le elec­ted from Sout­hern Ost­ro­both­nia, who will al­so de­ci­de about La­pua’s re­si­den­ces' so­ci­al-, he­alth-, and res­cue ser­vi­ces.

Lai­ta­lai­nen see­king to be­co­me mu­ni­ci­pal ma­na­ger of Il­ma­jo­ki

The no­mi­na­ti­on for the po­si­ti­on of Il­ma­jo­ki’s mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ty ma­na­ger clo­sed on Mon­day a week ago, and in the group of ap­p­li­cants is al­so La­pua’s town ge­o­de­sist Ari-Pek­ka "Aa­pe" Lai­ta­lai­nen, ac­cor­ding to Yle Ete­lä-Poh­jan­maa. Yle told that Il­ma­jo­ki’s town bo­ard will de­ci­de about the rec­ruit­ment pro­cess’ prog­res­si­on next Mon­day.

An oven scorc­hed at Kau­ha­jär­vi

A week ago Sa­tur­day the fire de­part­ment got a call for a pos­sib­le me­dium-si­zed hou­se fire. At the scene it was dis­co­ve­red that the hou­se’s oven had scorc­hed. There was no need to start ope­ra­ti­ons for a me­dium hou­se fire.

Per­son born at La­pua vo­ted Nor­dic ana­lyst of the ye­ar

Ori­gi­na­ting from La­pua, Mai­ja Ho­vi­la, née An­ti­la (b. 1982) has been vo­ted as this ye­ar’s Nort­hern ana­ly­tics-spe­ci­a­list in the Hy­pe­right event held in Stock­holm. There were over a hund­red no­mi­nees in Ho­vi­la’s ca­te­go­ry.

The data-ana­lyst who grew up in Pout­tu is a mas­ter of scien­ce in tech­no­lo­gy in the field of pro­duc­ti­on eco­no­my, and she works as a le­a­ding ana­lyst for ef­fi­cient use of data at Kone. Ho­vi­la al­so has a MBA-deg­ree from Camb­rid­ge, Eng­land, and has wor­ked for Uni­le­ver in Lon­don. Ho­vi­la is al­so a tri­ath­lo­nist, and we've co­ve­red her sports ca­reer over the ye­ars.

Trans­la­ti­on: Alek­si Hau­ta­mä­ki

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